xXBig Sean - UKNOWBIGSEAN (Mixtape)Xx
Damn, it's been a grip waiting for this to even come out...
But it did to coincide with the FREE.99 concert he just did with Mike Posner and N.E.R.D. over at Wayne State. I missed his and Posner's set, but was just in time for N.E.R.D, which was dope as well aside from a few bumps in the road (crowd surfin' gone wrong, tall ass giant behemoth cats in my way and keeping me away from my lovely company, etc, etc). Expect the return of Smack Chronicles (in chibi brand format) to talk about that in future posts. But anyways, without further adue, I present to you from one Sean by another Sean....

Download the tape over @ 2DopeBoyz.com
P.S: Shouts out to them for the inadvertant advertising for the my contribution to Sean's first tape. BWA HA HA HA HA! Let the money start rollin' in.
But it did to coincide with the FREE.99 concert he just did with Mike Posner and N.E.R.D. over at Wayne State. I missed his and Posner's set, but was just in time for N.E.R.D, which was dope as well aside from a few bumps in the road (crowd surfin' gone wrong, tall ass giant behemoth cats in my way and keeping me away from my lovely company, etc, etc). Expect the return of Smack Chronicles (in chibi brand format) to talk about that in future posts. But anyways, without further adue, I present to you from one Sean by another Sean....

Download the tape over @ 2DopeBoyz.com
P.S: Shouts out to them for the inadvertant advertising for the my contribution to Sean's first tape. BWA HA HA HA HA! Let the money start rollin' in.
